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cater to students‘ individual needs
因材施教  detail>>
cater to the needs of customers
迎合顾客的需要  detail>>
individual needs
个人需要  detail>>
the low tastes just cater his needs
这些低级趣味正从其所好  detail>>
 vt.  为(宴会等)供应酒菜。 cater a party 为酒会包办酒菜。  vi.  1.供应伙食,给人包伙;包办宴席;筹...  detail>>
cater for
供应伙食, 迎合 目录购物 为...承办伙食 为服务 迎合  detail>>
cater to
供应伙食 设法适应……的需要,迎合……的爱好 投合 迎合,款待  detail>>
cater cater
准备食物  detail>>
no students
没有学生  detail>>
官学生们  detail>>
 adv.  必须,一定;务必〔现只与 must 连用〕。 must needs 1. 偏偏,偏要。 2. 必须,必然,不得不 (It must needs be so....  detail>>
needs of
妇女的需要  detail>>
cater cornered
对角线的  detail>>
cater cousin
远房兄弟  detail>>
cater for sb
替某人办酒席  detail>>
cater to sb
迎合某人  detail>>
cater to the need
合乎需要  detail>>
cater to the need of
迎合...的需要  detail>>